The Adventure with Stephen Courson
Get ready for contrarian takes on lifestyle design, personal finance, and building wealth. Stephen is a results-driven, unconventional thinker who explores success and failure among high-performers. Shift your thinking about using your time, energy, and money to build True Wealth. Topics include designing the life you want, growing your income, and the impact of self-investment. Get the tools you need to thrive on this big adventure and make it epic!
He is the Founder of Courson Solutions, TEDx speaker, author, husband, dad and adrenaline-junkie that runs virtual and in-person Masterminds to help others build True Wealth in their lives.
180 episodes
#179 How A Typo Turned Into Quitting The 9-5 To Start A Business with Cody Lutz
Cody Lutz is an accidental entrepreneur in some ways but his mindset proves that anyone can start a successful side hustle or business if you approach it the right way. We talk about his values and mindset that drove him from the safety of a 9-...
#178 How To Manage Your Money And Mindset Amidst Chaos with Christine Luken
Christine Luken is a specialist with money during turbulent times. She coaches people who are getting divorced or going through major life changes on how to manage their money. With the presidential election of Trump and Biden leaving the world...
#177 The Irony Of Thanksgiving And Breaking Free From The Stress Of More
Thanksgiving is the most overlooked holiday in America every year. Not only are we still eating Halloween candy and decorating for Christmas, but we totally ignore what Thanksgiving is all about. Giving thanks. It's literally in the name. Inste...
#176 Election 2024: What Everyone Should Take Away Post-Election And My Biggest Values
President Trump will be the President again after defeating Democrat candidate Kamala Harris. Now that the madness is over, I think these are the important things we need to realize moving forward whether you are a Democrat, Republican or Indep...
#175 Teacher Turned Mega-Crypto Influencer On Buying Bitcoin And Investing In Your Life with Lark Davis
Lark Davis has 1.8M followers across social media but he was completely unknown just a few years ago. We talk about how to win with crypto (and how to lose with crypto), the importance of having clarity and defined goals for your life and how t...
#174 The Secret To Success As A Marine And Olympic Athlete Plus Dirty Details Of Olympics with Riley Tejcek
Riley Tejcek is a force of nature. She's on active duty serving in the Marines, training to be on the US Olympic bobsled team and ocassionally sleeps. Bobsledding is one of the most expensive and physically demanding winter sports and was the m...
#173 Why You Need A Credit Card And Why It Needs To Be A Travel Points Card with Julian Kheel
Do you need a credit card? Yes. Definitely. That's Julian Kheel's position and as a travel points expert, he has a compelling case why it needs to be a travel credit card and it goes beyond travel, but protection and security to. If you are try...
#172 What Managing Millionaire Estates Taught Him About Life And Money with Andrew Windham
Andrew runs the details financially and logistically for the 1% of the rich. He doesn't just see what they do with their money but with their time and other resources as well. Some of these super rich people are happy and fulfilled. Others are ...
#171 How To Break Free By Embracing Work Flexibility And Financial Freedom With Jason Greenwood
Despite being in one of the most extreme countries with lockdowns, Jason found a way to reject society and design the life he wanted for the freedom he desired. His systematic approach during such crazy times is a roadmap for anyone to build th...
#170 Problems Modern Day Men Face With Building The 4 Types Of Wealth with Elise Michaels
Men are facing unique challenges in a society that wants to change who they are. Modern day men struggle to gain the 4 types of wealth (time, financial, social and health) at times in their lives. Elise Michaels is a men's performa...
#169 Travel Point Hacks For Hotels and Flights Plus How To Fly Business Class For Free With Colin Stroud
Money is not created equal. Currencies are worth different amounts depending on the economy and Colin Stroud is an expert in the "points economy" when it comes to credit card rewards. He's been on more vacations with his wife and child in a yea...
#168 How The FED Rate Cut Will Impact Every American (Easy To Understand Version)
Everyone is talking about the FED and their 50bps rate cut announcement. But what does that MEAN for the average American? Does it impact you? Yes, it definitely does. But don't worry, this isn't a boring civics lesson. I explain it so a 10-yea...
#167 Are You Using Sports and Politics To Hide From The Fear That's Holding You Back?
What limits our growth is fear. We hide from that fear with distractions like sports and politics. I had a meeting with a mentor and they asked me this question. It uncovered some self-work I needed to do and was powerful for my mindset.
#166 Ask Yourself This Question To Discover What's Holding You Back
We all have dreams but many times they die before we ever really start after them. Why is that? Because of fear. But fear of what? That's one of the most important things we can ever ask ourselves otherwise we may never start living the life we...
#165 Dealing With Insanity In Life: Trump's Assassination Attempt, Biden Stepping Down, And Crowdstrike
The past few weeks have been one of the craziest I can remember. Enough happened for an entire year, let alone a week. I got sucked into old bad habits like arguing with people pointlessly online and watching the mainstream news even though I k...
#164 Three Things I Do To Find Meaning And Significance
I just had my birthday and turned 37. And I can honestly say that I'm very happy and fulfilled, but that I don't really care too much about happiness. Lifestyle design is about building your life around significance and meaning. Happiness is a ...
#163 Start Spending Your Time Like You Do Your Money
I had a rich mentor teach me one of the most important lessons about time that I ever learned. Once I took his advice and started viewing how I spend my time like how I spend my money, my life changed. Here's how you can make that shift and bui...
#162 The 7 Steps You Need To Design A Strategy For Your Life
You can watch the YouTube video of this on the link below, but these are the 7 steps that we walkthrough in my Mastermind that costs thousands of dollars...and I'm giving them to you today for free!This proven system will help you find ...
#161 Society Sold You A Lie That You Have Time...You Don't
You’ve been lied to.“You’re young, you’ve got time.”“It’s okay, 35 is the new 25.”“You’re 26, no one knows what they want.”“You’ll figure it out eventually.”Lies. Lies. Lies.I can predict with scary accuracy ...
#160 Focus On The 4 Types Of Wealth
Do you know what the 4 Types of Wealth are?They seem obvious once you hear them, but most people don't know what they are. Time Wealth, Health Wealth, Financial Wealth and Social Wealth are the four types of wealth that eve...
#159 How To Win At Life By Stacking Wins And Stacking Them Fast
People who win consistently don't look at the mountaintop. They focus on the next 3 steps. Let's talk about the power of stacking small wins and stacking them fast.Use this spreadsheet that thousands of people use to manage their cash f...
#158 "Let them eat cake", Blocking Celebrities And Culture Shifts
The MET Gala is something I'd never thought I would discuss on this show, but here we are! Blocking Celebrities is trending thanks to a really poorly timed "Let them eat cake" theme and this is an important moment in culture where people are sa...
#157 Don't Pay Off Your Debt. Negotiate It First. (recast)
Why would you pay $20,000 if you could negotiate it down to $15,000?Why pay 22% interest when you could get 0% for 12 months?Why do all of the gurus leave debt negotiation out of their programs?They'll mention it casuall...