The Adventure with Stephen Courson

#150 Brushing Off Powerlessness And Shifting Your Mindset To Make Fast, Positive Changes

Stephen Courson

We need to combine two cliche's for a powerful realization.

  1. Nothing changes if nothing changes
  2. You can't change anything but yourself

When you combine those two realizations, you come to a dangerous place where you can't pretend to be powerless in a situation.

Because you can always control what you are going to do.

But many times, we can let this sneaky victim mentality overtake us that manifests itself in just saying "well there's nothing I can do about it".

That's a lie. We can always do something about it. Don't take the easy and lazy way out.

Find one thing you can do to stop the momentum going against you and begin to reverse your situation to a positive one.

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About the Podcast

If working a 9-5 for 60 years so you can retire with a little money and die a few years later is what you want to do, then this is not the podcast for you.

This podcast is about contrarian investment strategies around time, energy and money to build the 4 types of wealth and utilize lifestyle design to create the life we want. The interviews are with hi-earning individuals on how they make money so you can copy us and grow wealth too!

Reaching that first $100k milestone is crucial and then the game changes.

Learn how the wealthy view time, energy and money so you can apply these proven strategies to your life.